Tuesday, March 13, 2007


YP Sounding Session - Street Cars

So, you've read what I have to say, now head out to a YP Sounding Session by YP Wired and see what the real experts have to say.

THe First 100 people to register for each of two sessions Mar. 20 and 21st will get a seat:
Click here to register online

YP Sounding Sessions

Let your thoughts be heard on the downtown streetcar initiative!

Mayor Mark Mallory, City Councilmembers, City of Cincinnati Department of Transportation and Engineering, and GO Cincinnati, a diverse, multi-talented public-private commission formed to lead a comprehensive economic growth strategy for the City of Cincinnati, have all identified streetcar transit as a potential tool for improving local circulation, complementing other components of the local and regional transportation system, and supporting sustainable revitalization of urban neighborhoods. Based upon ongoing and continuing successes realized in other communities, the City of Cincinnati is taking a proactive approach in determining the feasibility of implementing a streetcar system within the central business district and immediately surrounding areas. To this end, the City has engaged HDR Engineering, Inc. (HDR), with additional support from Parsons Brinckerhoff (PB), to complete the Cincinnati Streetcar Feasibility Study.

The purpose of this initial feasibility study is to identify and evaluate a set of potential streetcar transit corridors and technologies, assess major engineering impacts related to traffic, parking and utilities, estimate transportation and economic development benefits, develop preliminary capital and operating cost estimates and identify a set of financing and implementation options. In general terms, the outcome of this feasibility study will be to validate and document whether the streetcar initiative should proceed beyond this initial study phase to the preliminary engineering and final design phases.

The Sounding Sessions will be hosted on the following date at a downtown location:
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Wednesday, March 21, 2007

The first 100 people will be registered due to limited space. Registrants will receive a confirmation e-mail with the time and location of the session.
Click here to register online

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