Tuesday, October 02, 2007


RSVP Today - Community Immersion - OTR - Oct. 13

Join me the first annual event with Give Back Cincinnati called 'Community Immersion'. It's an all day event in traditional Give Back fashion, but you can leave your shovels and rakes at home and bring out your thinking caps. We will rotate around the region each year and explore a new community. We're out to learn about the history, the architecture, the people and the future.

There is no better community than Over-the-Rhine to launch this endeavour. There is no Cincinnati community as rich in history, culture, architecture, prosperity, strife, fits and starts. It's a community in constant flux, and one that is currently in a period of tremendous possibility. Join us as we take a look at the history and future of this community.

Best of all - It's FREE! (Including Lunch and Drink Tickets!) - So please come out and join us on Saturday Oct. 13th!

RSVP Today!! Space is limited: http://www.givebackcincinnati.org/v3/events_details.asp?EventID=1193


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