Tuesday, March 27, 2007


Freedom Project

Cincinnati is the 6th most segregated city in America according to Census numbers from 2002. It's not a ranking to be proud of, and with segregation comes ignorance and intolerance. It's much easier to make generalizations about 'them', than it is when 'them' becomes 'us'. Or better yet, 'them' becomes individuals and friends with names.

The enemy of bigotry is knowledge, I'm sure someone famous said that, but I can't find it on google, so I'll just take credit for it :)

Well, Give Back Cincinnati and the Freedom YPs (YP group of the National Underground Railroad Freedom Center) are taking the issue head on. Together we've created the Freedom Project. A group of 60 people from purposely diverse backgrounds will spend the year working together on 4 GIve Back Cincinnati volunteer projects. The Wednesday Following each of the 4 projects, will be a facilitated discussion around diversity, inclusion, and racial equity.

The goal of the project is to bring people together for direct and sometimes uncomfortable discussions. Build relationships through community service. And end the year with lasting and sustainable cross-race relationships. Once you build knowledge, the bigotry ends, and hopefully the result will be the beginning of a trend in Cincinnati where people of all races are interacting on a regular basis. It's a lofty goal and a first step in making a true impact in our community.

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