Thursday, February 15, 2007


Southshore Newport - Ground Breaking - Feb. 21

The Southshore project in Newport (near the Comfort Inn) is set to break ground on the first of three condo towers next Wednesday (Feb. 21). It will consist of 200 condos when completed. Way out of my budget it's still a very cool project... they have a pretty slick interactive map on the site, but I'm wondering why my house wasn't specifically called out as an attraction in the area!

The only thing I don't like about the project is this: "Newport Beach Club, the private plaza located five stories above the parking garage". Would have been nice if they had followed suit with One River Plaza on the Cincinnati side (where Montgomery Inn Banquet Center now sits). ORP is going to have a PUBLIC plaza, and are even creating a grand staircase to connect with the purple people bridge. That is how a TRUE urban project is built. Making it walkable for everyone.. but hey, I guess it's there millions of dollars, not mine ;)

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