Wednesday, January 25, 2006


CityBeat Engaging - Dubliner, Neighborhood Summit, Mallory Plan

It's been a while since I've picked up a CityBeat and found several stories I enjoy. This week was different however.

Dubliner Update
Margo Pierce has an update on the Dubliner's demise. It looks as though things are getting pretty nasty between former owner Mr. Kull, and new owner Mr. Neyer. Seems after Mr. Kull got the news he was getting the boot, he decided it was only the building and not the 'stuff' that Neyer bought. So he promptly took the bar, kitchen appliances and other 'stuff' out this week.

In addition, Margo indicates it wasn't a bad business deal with the Homestead that caused the Dubliners demise (as I had previously hypothesized). Rather, it was a bad business deal with investment in the defunct Ridge Market that caused the downfall. All in all, I feel bad for Mr. Kull, and hope he finds success somewhere. And I hope that Mr. Neyer (however nasty he was to Mr. Kull) is able to build a sustainable business district with the Dubliner property as it's anchor.

Neighborhood Summit
If you haven't heard about the upcoming annual neighborhood summit at Xavier's Cintas Center, you should check it out. Investing in Neighborhoods puts on the annual event, and it's your opportunity to hear success stories from other communities, find out how to tap into city, county, state and foundation funds to make an impact in the community you live in. Several council members, and the mayor will be on hand to encourage you to get engaged in your community. And best of's Free, thanks to several sponsors and the city of Cincinnati.

Citybeat has a great story on Jim Diers, author of Neighborhood Power: Building Community the Seattle Way. And I am sure you can guess by the name of the book, that Mr. Diers is a community activist in Seattle. He'll be at the summit, as well, relating stories about successful work that has been done in Seattle to bolster neighborhoods.

Mallory's Crime Plan
And finally... CityBeat has a good article on the recently released safety and crime plan of Mayor Mallory. It's a positive story, and although is not a glowing praise of the plan itself, at least reports on the continued cohesion seen on the current council. That I think is the key message. There aren't a lot of new ideas, though it does adopt some ideas that have been on the table for a while (computerized crime data, and mid-level drug dealer action), but what is new is a sense of direction. The plan was not released in a press conference to be followed by several competing press conferences with competing plans.

I've been critical of City Beat recently, but compare this news packed edition (I didn't even touch on the Music section (always great), or the front cover story of the annual Sundance Festival) to the Reality TV dominated CinWeekly edition. City Beat wins hands down this week!

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