Wednesday, July 27, 2005


Smoking Ban Gaining Traction in N. KY

Northern Kentucky Action is a organizing campaigns with the towns in Campbell County in hopes of getting support from all jurisdictions in the county and forcing the hand of the Campbell County fiscal court to ban smoking in all public places. A survey indicates more than 60% of the residents of this N. KY county support a smoking ban.

Wouldn't it be ironic if Cincinnati talked about a smoking ban for 18 months without taking action because of worries that everyone would go to KY if smoking was banned, and then Campbell County took the lead and banned smoking... As a Campbell County Resident.. I say good luck NKY Action, I'd love to see the ban happen!

Here are other unhealthy things we need to ban:

gasoline exhaust
high fructose corn syrup
corporate agribusiness chemicals/hormones
Nick Spencer
Not sure of the last time I was sitting in a restaurant and someone else eating a burger affected my health.

Not sure of the last time I was sitting in a park and the fruit punch that the kid sitting next to me affected my health.

But I do agree on the exhaust, there should be more done to restrict that (I'm all for more bike paths and less sprawl).

I also agree that chemicals and growth hormones should be controlled better to make sure my health isn't being affected... thanks for the suggestions dean... oh,I guess that wasn't your point?

Besides I don't think I mentioned Health in this article... and I certainly didn't mention fairness. It doesn't matter to me if it's health or not.. i'm just being selfish, I'd prefer to go to bars and not smell like smoke when I get home :)
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