Tuesday, March 01, 2005


Cincinnati - Retail Capital of the World

More positive news about the P&G, Gillette, Federated purchases. Cincinnati has an inferiority complex like no other city... well, it's time to feel a little positive. Another story today about the 'Retail Capital of the World'.

Well, okay, it says 'of America', but really I think it should be the world. Here's a great quote:

""No. 1, you have the talent there, and talent is what drives the economies of places these days," White said. "I think Cincinnati has developed that kind of reputation, and it deserves it.""

Perhaps 'brain drain' is over (or at least on the way down), as the talent needed to run these great companies is staying in town, and the 'creative' types that drive brands and marketing should have a thriving market if we sieze on the opportunity to keep the work in town instead of having them go to NYC to get the marketing companies.

And what a great surprise that many of these creative types, young professionals will find when they come to town for jobs with these companies to find all the amazing architecture in OTR and Downtown, and the prices that are amazingly low! (And of course they're welcome across the river in my neighborhood in Newport as well!)

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